
Give your students a life-changing experience.

Happening on:
July 14th-19th, 2024

Rantoul Township High School, 200 S. Sheldon St., Rantoul, IL 61866


Give your students a life-changing experience.

Happening on:
July 14th-19th, 2024

Rantoul Township High School,
200 S. Sheldon St., Rantoul, IL 61866

Stories of Transformation

When I went on a mission trip I was able to get closer to God and make unforgettable memories with my friends. There is absolutely nothing like it!

– Elijah Hall

When I went on my mission trip I was able to meet new friends and connect with God on a new level. I had a great time and encourage more people to experience it if they can.

– Anisa Hall

Through the mission trip I went on I was able to create a foundation on Christ that has helped me through each step of my life. Through the service, community, and worship my eyes were open to all the things God calls us to do.

– Lindsay Jordahl

I didn’t expect to have a passion for church or even my faith. I decided a long time ago to try learning more about God and I’m so thankful this group was able to bring me closer.

– Emma Larson

After attending camps with my own youth group and having life changing experiences, it motivated me to continued serving God by becoming a staff member for camps around the country. Strangers become family, faith presents its face and you find God in everyday life.

– Vaughn Bruno

When I went on my first Mission trip, I didn’t expect to learn something that I could use for the rest of my life. Mission trips helped open my eyes to how fortunate I was, which allowed me to live my life with more appreciation.

– Ryan Birch

With every mission trip I went on, I found a fire for God and serving others. While becoming more like Jesus by giving your time and efforts to others, you make a real impact in a community and bring others closer to Him as well.

– Jared Jordahl

When I went on my mission trip I discovered my real Love for God.

– Samuel Hall

When I went on a mission trip I was able to get closer to God and make unforgettable memories with my friends. There is absolutely nothing like it!

 – Elijah Hall

When I went on my mission trip I was able to meet new friends and connect with God on a new level. I had a great time and encourage more people to experience it if they can.

 – Anisa Hall

I didn’t expect to have a passion for church or even my faith. I decided a long time ago to try learning more about God and I’m so thankful this group was able to bring me closer.

 – Emma Larson

After attending camps with my own youth group and having life changing experiences, it motivated me to continued serving God by becoming a staff member for camps around the country. Strangers become family, faith presents its face and you find God in everyday life.

 – Vaughn Bruno

When I went on my first Mission trip, I didn’t expect to learn something that I could use for the rest of my life. Mission trips helped open my eyes to how fortunate I was, which allowed me to live my life with more appreciation.

 – Ryan Birch

With every mission trip I went on, I found a fire for God and serving others. While becoming more like Jesus by giving your time and efforts to others, you make a real impact in a community and bring others closer to Him as well.

 – Jared Jordahl

When I went on my mission trip I discovered my real Love for God.

 – Samuel Hall

Through the mission trip I went on I was able to create a foundation on Christ that has helped me through each step of my life.  Through the service, community, and worship my eyes were open to all the things God calls us to do.

 – Lyndsay Jordahl


At Cross Camp Mission Trips,

we believe serving leads to transformation

Cross Camp Mission Trips is modeled after Jesus in his most humble form, to serve others.  Campers will go out into the local communities and help to complete a task, mission, or even just put a smile on someone’s face who may not have had one in a while.  Youth will be a huge blessing in this experience, all with Christ as the center focus. 

Back at the camp, there will be many fun opportunities for the youth to play games, sports, and meet new friends.  The evening programs will be a highlight of the camping experience filled with silly games, a slideshow recap of the day’s work, amazing music, and most importantly a powerful message from God!


About the Directors

About Pat:

I was raised in the church, with my grandpa being a pastor and district superintendent.  I loved growing up in Sunday school and later in youth group!  Youth group in my teen years was very impactful as I was surrounded by amazing Christian teens and adults.  These adults provided a great experience for the youth, opening our eyes to the ways we could serve others in need.  This was the best feeling I had ever felt!  I was hooked!  I attended many camps and mission trips all through high school and into college.

In my adult years, I knew that I wanted to work with youth to help impact them in the way that so many adults had impacted me.  I became a teacher and currently teach at my alma mater.  I was then presented with another opportunity to lead the youth at my very own church and continue my passion for the next generation.  I have now been the youth director since 2011 and have led my youth on numerous camps and mission trips.  Each year attending camps around the country, I felt the urge to help my community in the same way that we were helping others.  In 2020, I finally made that a reality!  I started Cross Camp Mission Trips, a way to serve others as Jesus did.

About Eboni:

As a child, I was raised in many churches. My uncle was a church pastor, in Macon, MS. I spent many summers learning about Christianity in his church. I was a part of Sunday school classes, youth groups, and youth choirs while growing up there. This is also the church where I gave my life to Christ and had my baptism at the age of 16. 

While I was in college, I was a part of a couple of gospel choirs and started attending a church in Rantoul, IL. This church was my husband’s childhood church. They were very welcoming and encouraged me to use some of my passions to help praise The Lord.

As an adult, my children, husband, and I still attend the church in Rantoul regularly and we are very involved. My children attend Sunday school and youth group, my husband is the youth director there, and I have been involved in the choir, a contemporary music ensemble, and the handbell choir.

Contact Information

Patrick Button

Eboni Button

(708) 712-5439 Co-Founder

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